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D.J. Han, R.H. Wynar, Ph. Courteille and D.J. Heinzen, “Bose-Einstein Condensation of Large Numbers of Atoms in a Time-Averaged Orbiting Potential Trap”, Phys. Rev. A 57, 4114 (1998).

Roahn Wynar, R.S. Freeland, D.J. Han, C. Ryu and D.J. Heinzen, “Molecules in a Bose-Einstein Condensate”, Science 287, 1016 (2000).

Marshall T. DePue, S. Lukman Winoto, D.J. Han and David S. Weiss, “Transient Compression of a MOT and High Intensity Fluorescent Imaging of Optically Thick Clouds of Atoms”, Opt. Comm. 180, 73 (2000) .

Dian-Jiun Han, Steffen Wolf, Steven Oliver, Colin McCormick, Marshall T. DePue and David S. Weiss, “3D Raman Sideband Cooling of Cesium Atoms at High Density”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 724 (2000).

Dian-Jiun Han, “A Dawning Light for Making a Molecular Bose-Einstein Condensate”, Physics 29, 513 (2000).

D.J. Han, Marshall T. DePue and David S. Weiss, “Loading and Compressing Cs Atoms in a Very Far-Off-Resonant Light Trap”, Phys. Rev. A 63, 023405 (2001).

韓殿君,於光晶格中實現量子計算,物理双月刊, 25, 525頁。(中華民國期刊論文, 2003/08)

韓殿君,銣原子之玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚,物理双月刊, 27, 384頁。(中華民國期刊論文, 2005/04)

韓殿君,粒子變成波,科學發展月刊, No.394, 63-67頁。(中華民國期刊論文, 2005/10)

Dian-Jiun Han, “Microwave-induced Evaporation in a Crossed Dipole Trap”, JPSJ 76, 023301 (2007).

De-Sheng Hong, K.H.Huang, Tsin-Fu Jiang and D.J.Han, “Time Evolution of Freely Expanded Bose-Einstein Condensates Containing Small Numbers of Atoms”, Chinese Journal of Physics 45, 104 (2007).

Lan-Sheng Yang, Bai-Tzeng Han, De-Sheng Hong, Tarek Ali Mohamed and D.J. Han, “Loading and Compression of a Large Number of Rubidium Atoms Using a Semi-dark Type Magneto-Optical Trap”, Chinese Journal of Physics 45, 606 (2007).

Guo-Wei Li, Sheng-Jhe Huang, Hsu-Sheng Wu, Shiang Fang, De-Sheng Hong, Tarek Mohamed and Dian-Jiun Han, “A Michelson Interferometer for Relative Phase Locking of Optical Beams”, JPSJ 77, 024301 (2008).

C.T. Lin, C.R. Chen, I.H. Yang, Jianping Yin and D.J. Han, “A controllable double-well magneto-optical trap for Rb and Cs atoms”, Optics Express 16, 6104 (2008).

S.-L. Chang, H.-S. Chen, C.-S. Chien and D.J. Han, “An adaptive multigrid scheme for Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 231, 268 (2009).

Bor-Wen Shiau, Tzu-Ping Ku and Dian-Jiun Han, “Real-time Phase Difference Control of Optical Beams Using a Mach-Zehnder Interferometer”, JPSJ 79, 034302-1 (2010).

Wei-Chih Ting, Dian-Jiun Han and Shin-Tza Wu, “Manipulation of coherent atom waves using accelerated two-dimensional optical lattices”, NJP 12, 083059 (2010).

Tzu-Ping Ku, Chih-Yuan Huang, Bor-Wen Shiau and Dian-Jiun Han, “Phase shifting interferometry of cold atoms”, Optics Express 19, 3730 (2011). 

韓殿君,追求冷卻的極限,科學人(五月份), 40頁。(2011/05)

Chih-Yuan Huang, Hung-Shiue Chen, Chih-Yuan Liu, Chin-Han Chen and D.J. Han, “Lens-free phase shifting imaging for cold atoms”, JOSA B 31, 87 (2014).

Bo-Xun Wang, Chih-Yuan Liu and D.J. Han, “Observation of large group index enhancement in Doppler-broadened rubidium vapor”, Optics Express 23, 18792 (2015).

Chih-Yuan Liu and Dian-Jiun Han, ” Coherent signal amplification of refractive index spectrum in rubidium vapor using phase shifting interferometry”, JOSA B 33, 1298 (2016).

Ying-Siang Wang, Po-Jui Tseng, Chih-Chih Lin, Hung-Shiue Chen and D.J. Han, “Nondestructive lensless imaging on cold rubidium atoms”, JOSA B 34, 287 (2017).